Physiology III
Exam III Essay Questions
Two of the following questions will appear on your last exam (25 points
each, total = 50 points).
- Describe the original and modern Papez circuit. Explain the role each
component in relation to memory, emotion, behavior and motivation.
- The sympathetic nervous system is sometime said to be
"ergotropic", that is. energy mobilizing. Support this notion with
a description of the peripheral responses to sympathetic activation.
- The parasympathetic nervous system is sometime said to be
"trophotropic", that is. energy conserving. Support this notion
with a description of three examples of parasympathetic activation.
- Describe the cellular mechanisms underlying the electroencephalogram. List
the main types of normal EEG patterns and relate these to particular brain
states. Describe the EEC patterns associated with the main types of
epilepsy. Describe the neural circuitry and activity proposed to explain
partial seizures vs. generalized seizures.
- Describe the types of human memory and the brain circuitry involved.
Explain the pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s disease.
Our Gracious, Flexible,
Always-Thinking-About-The-Student professor has deleted the following (# 6
& 7) essays from the exam. Please work on the first 5 essays for the
- Describe the normal course and stages of sleep. Describe the factors and
brainstem circuits responsible for producing sleep and its stages.
- Trace the anatomy of the emotion the emotion "fear" from
forebrain regions to bodily responses.
Last Updated 04/10/00 12:27:18 PM
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